have symptoms that the doctor can’t find
woke up from a dream and KNEW that I had MS, even though I had no idea at the
time what MS was3. As a result of the dream, I self-diagnosed MS
4. Any time a new ‘symptom’ comes up I immediately jump to the internet and begin doing my doctors work
5. My doctor believes that the next step is the psychologist
When you add all
of this up, it is hard NOT to determine that there is at least a hint of looney
tunes going on inside my head. Maybe, just maybe, the first step to recovery
from crazy is just like alcoholism…you have to admit you have a problem. So, I
guess I will admit I am a little crazy. Now I have to find out if whatever is
causing the numbness is making me crazy, or if the crazy is making me numb!
Let’s go with #1 for now, and we will re-assess every year or so!