Friday, April 17, 2015


I was diagnosed with CIDP just two weeks ago. I am still coming to grips with the specific diagnosis, but I have known there was probably something wrong for a couple of years now. I have the relapsing/remitting type, which I guess means I can have long periods of time where I experience no symptoms, and then out of nowhere it can come back. Based on my medical history my neurologist believes that I have had CIDP since my teenage years, and looking back at many different events in my life that makes sense. I am by no means an expert on CIDP. I know that it is a neurological disorder where your auto immune system attacks your nerves, similar to MS. However, CIDP attacks your peripheral nervous system whereas MS attacks your central nervous system. Here are some other things I've learned:

1. It is not a death sentence
2. It impacts everyone differently
3. It is about 1/10 as prevalent as MS, which is why there are no bike rides or running events to raise money and awareness
4. The symptoms are treatable, but as of yet it is not curable (although there is some promising breakthroughs in stem cell research)

A couple of years ago, I started documenting my stories… Not because I planned to share them, but more so because it helped me get a better understanding of myself. Now with the recent diagnosis, I have decided to share them. I will have a bunch of posts that I will deem 'pre-diagnosis' which will come soon, and the post diagnosis will begin as I start to come to terms with CIDP.

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