Wednesday, October 16, 2013


I figured it out. I finally figured out why I am sorry! I am sorry that I have not trusted you enough to let you in on my concerns. We had a wonderful weekend presenting at Living in Love. We stood in front of a large group of people and talked about our marriage. How much we love each other, how great we are together, and the things we have learned over the years. Well, all this talking about a great marriage got me thinking that maybe I need you in my corner. So, I am not sure how or when, but I am going to find a way to break it to you that I may have something wrong with me. I am sorry it has taken this long, and I am sorry for potentially getting you worried about something that may or may not be wrong with me, but at this point I need someone in my corner…and you are always the one in my corner! So…here goes…